Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Smart Tire

If the tire has been established, the driver of the car - even the drivers - no need to bother to replace in the event of changes in the weather or road surface. For example, from dry to wet. Or in the land of four seasons, the additional snow. It could even also from on-road (smooth asphalt) to off-road (soil or gravel) or vice versa. Tires with such capabilities is called "adaptive tire" or "intelligent tire".

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Orangutan bath

Sinyo expression orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) was about 10 when being bathed in Surabaya Zoo (25/4). Surabaya Zoo, orangutans have four nurses who care for five adults and three baby orangutan orangutans who are in nursery camp. 

Slamet, nurses orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) were washed Sinyo, orang utan was 10 years old, at the Surabaya Zoo (25/4). Surabaya Zoo, orangutans have four nurses who care for five adults and three baby orangutan orangutans who are in nursery camp. TEMPO / Fully Syafi

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Orang Utan

Seven men surrounded the orangutan and her child. Aware could no longer fight, the two orangutan hugged tightly. This orangutan orangutans survived because caring team, Four Paws, arrive just in time to save them. (FourPaws)

Source :

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Struggle for Education

Struggle for Education
Photos and Text: Kristianto Purnomo

The journey to the village Cicaringin, District of Mount Golden, Lebak, Banten just one step away. I drove the car that swept the village dirt road paved with stone, rise and fall twisting, and splitting the rubber plantation.

Rural atmosphere it feels when entering the village Cicaringin. Houses of woven bamboo-walled stage was a sight most of the houses. The village is located

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

10 Profession Promising Future

10 Profession Promising FutureStill have problems deciding what work would you struggled after leaving school or college?. Is it still relevant to the job a few years into the future or in the future?. Here are 10 promising profession in the future.
10. Financial Planning ConsultantsIn the era of emerging economies and even recession, job consultant financial planner is a promising profession in the future.Nowadays people are increasingly recognizing that planning is necessary so that we can achieve with the financial conditions that we have. With so many people in need of consulting a financial planner is very wide open opportunity for a consultant to financial planners. Just mention the names such as Safir Senduk, Ligwina Hananto, Rakhmi Permatasari and they are much more reliable financial planner and had good success working independently as well as corporate. Even in the U.S. financial planning consultants estimated revenue increased 30.1%.